Open Master and Semester Projects

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Battery Engineering Internship/Working student (paid)

About 8inks: Lithium-ion batteries have revolutionized the world we live in today by enabling applications in mobile electronics ranging from laptops, smart phones, to smart watches. Today, electrification of large industries such as electric passenger vehicles, trucks, grid energy storage, and aviation is inhibited as conventional lithium-ion batteries approach the limits of their performance. NextGen batteries are considered to bring the required performance improvements but lack a low-cost, scalable manufacturing solution for market breakthrough. At eightinks, we develop a revolutionary manufacturing solution of NextGen batteries: multilayer curtain coating. Our technology allows high battery energy density, charging speed, and safety, all combined with lower production costs. It is material agnostic and can serve as a platform solution for various segments of the battery market. To develop our technology to the earliest possible market entry, we are working on all relevant aspects of NextGen battery design, production, assembly, and testing. Show details 

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